Here is a copy of an email I sent to my clients. I want to include it here incase anyone missed it.
Hope you are ok, and keeping yourself safe in what feels like the twilight zone at the minute. You may have already seen on my social media pages that I have had to close my business for... well I really don't know for how long, but it WILL be temporary.
Even before the lockdown was announced on Monday evening, I'd decided I must stop working. It's been an emotional couple of days, no doubt for you and your family too, and this will mean some hardship for thousands and thousands of people, myself included if I can't work for a while. But i'm going to remain very positive. I want to reassure you this will not be devastating to my business. Yes it's my only form of income, but I think help is on the way. I will be able to pick myself up and carry on as soon as it safe to do so. I personally think I'm at an advantage, because all my products and equipment are already paid for, nothing rented or on credit etc. So I will have the ability to get straight back into giving you some wonderful pampering and help you relax once this is all over.
I'm currently planning ahead for how I can be of any help to you. So in the immediate future I plan to:
keep in touch via email. (Please remember you can unsubscribe at anytime if you no longer want to hear from me.)
social media posts, Facebook lives, tutorials and ideas on self care and looking after your skin.
I'm so grateful i've got my little spike or god know what cabin fever inspired social media and Facebook lives i'll be doing haha.
Any ideas for posts and videos welcome
Do you have an issue you want help with? (Beauty therapy related please lol i'll stick to my own field of expertise.)
Anything you want to know more about? I have a lot of knowledge and years and years of training and if I don't know I've got the time to research and find out for you.
Further down the line... again due to this bloody virus I'm not sure when but I'm bringing new treatments to Serenity by Jennie. A gorgeous Thai foot ritual, which is going to be absolutely yummy for your tired achy feet. Also i'm hoping to do Reiki which I'm super excited about! I'm such a geek I just love to learn.
So its exciting times ahead. I've been a beauty therapist for over 15 years, 5 of those building and running my very own mobile beauty business. I don't intend on stopping now. There is a reason my logo is a phoenix :) I will rise again!
Thank you so much for your support and most definitely see you soon
Love Jennie xxx

This photo was taken on the 17th March 2020 it was my birthday (yes thats a profiterole with a candle in haha my mums completely kooky) But also the last time I saw my dad, hopefully not forever! but he has bronchiectasis, pulmonary fibrosis and he's on immunosuppressant drugs. So I'm very scared for him. lets all protect the vulnerable, ourselves and the NHS. Stay home please.